Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

British Values

At Warden Hill we develop and promote British Values throughout our school and within our curriculum.

Promoting the Fundamental British Values at Warden Hill

British Values:
by Alfie
by Alice
by Isabelle
by Isla
by James
by Luke
by Martina

Our ‘Warden Hill Way’ is the vehicle on which our behaviour policy is driven; it sums up the expectations of the way our children are expected to behave.

Our school values are also embedded within the protected characteristics that our children are expected to follow.

We know that children live in families made up in different ways. These might involve: married and unmarried (including same sex partnerships); single parents/carers; extended family including main carers who are not the birth parent of the child. 

We acknowledge that we have a duty to teach the children about the diversity that exists in the world today so that they too respect, value and celebrate such differences. Our RE, PSHE and carefully planned assembly programme embraces the requirement for schools to promote British Values in all aspects of school life.

School Values

Our school value of Belong, really reinforces this message of inclusivity; our school values underpin our curriculum. This in essence means that our children learn right from the outset the importance of self and the value each one of has in our school. By ensuring that our children have a really good understanding of equality and diversity delivered through our curriculum and assemblies, the key message that we are all different and that’s what makes us the same as well as the content of our schools’ curriculum is helping to strengthen these strongly held values and support our moral purpose as educators to enlighten and inspire our next generation.