Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Parent Governor Vacancy

We have two vacancies for parent governors which we need to fill as soon as possible.

If you are interested in becoming a governor, contact the school office with your nomination form (self-nomination is acceptable), which will need to be with the school by 12.00 noon on Wednesday 6 November.


Partnership Governor Vacancy

Vacancy: Partnership Governor

We are reaching out to our parent body for nominations for a Partnership Governor from our local community. Individuals are only eligible to be nominated as a partnership governor if you believe that they have the skills needed to contribute to the effective governance and success of our school. Likewise, the governing body may only appoint a person as a partnership governor if they believe that they have the skills needed to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

Please note, parents can’t nominate other parents for this particular governor role.

About our School

Warden Hill Primary school is a thriving primary school in the south of Cheltenham, with a strong leadership team and a dedicated, hardworking staff. The pupils are also hard working and demonstrate just what it means to be part of a learning community. Being a governor at our school is fulfilling. The Governing Body meets at 6:30 on a Monday evening 7 times a year and is well supported by a very effective Clerk.  In addition, Governors take on roles specific to their field of expertise e.g. health and safety, finance, Safeguarding. Governors have a training programme provided by the Local Authority, more information can be found out about it here:


Skills and Attributes, we are looking for

We are looking for an individual who will have a combination of relevant skills, in order to strengthen the collective skills of the current governors. We are not expecting one person to have all these skills, however someone who has experience in business, strategic management, technology, legal or finance would be a welcome added asset to our Governing Board.

For further information please contact Alison Portch, our Clerk to Governors  clerk@wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk  if you are interested in this very rewarding voluntary role.

We welcome nominations by 3:00pm on Monday 14th October. All nominations to clerk@wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk

Warden Hill Way Ambassadors

Awards for the Ambassadors of the Warden Hill Way

Governors at Warden Hill hold regular meetings and we hear all about what is going on in school. We also visit the school on a regular basis and see excellent practice.
The behaviour and attitudes of pupils are regularly discussed. The children all subscribe to the school’s values of belong, explore, succeed. Governors frequently hear about the Warden Hill Way, which makes our pupils stand out as children who are determined to behave well and be successful. At a recent meeting, governors decided to acknowledge this by holding a celebration for the best ambassadors of the Warden Hill Way. Teachers have been asked to select a child in their class who stands out in representing the Warden Hill Way. The two School Councils were included in promoting the event during assemblies. It took place on Wednesday 15 December. It gave the Governors a chance to find out more about pupils’ achievements.