Warden Hill believes that art has a huge impact in all areas of the curriculum and children’s learning. We also recognise the enrichment and development opportunities that can be achieved through art and design.
With this in mind at Warden Hill we aim to equip each child with the knowledge and skills to explore their own creativity and create their own works of art whilst developing their critical thinking and assessment skills. Through a considered sequence of lessons and experiences our children will develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
These theories are delivered through the mediums of painting, drawing, printing, textiles and sculpture. The skills and knowledge that our children will develop throughout each art unit are mapped across each year group and throughout the school to ensure consistent progression.
Our children belong to an ever-developing world and our design and technology curriculum aims to equip them with the necessary skills needed for their future.
We are developing our lessons so that they provide opportunities for children to succeed by becoming independent, imaginative problem-solvers and thinkers, both as individuals and as part of a team. At Warden Hill, our children develop their skills through construction, textiles and cooking units.
Our primary aim is to ensure progression so that skills are discretely taught, revisited and refined throughout their time at our school.
This year, our newly created units of work aim to provide opportunities for children to explore, test and evaluate existing products. Our intention is for the children to then use their knowledge and skills to design and create their own quality product for a specified purpose.
The English Subject Leader Group’s primary aim is to develop a passion for reading by exploring widespread and challenging texts as well as promoting reading for pleasure.
We will share diverse texts to all years to provide children to feel a sense of belonging and develop a wider understanding of the world around them. Reading widely, will allow them to be successful and confident writers able to express themselves articulately and develop a unique style. We strive for all children to have the ability to unpick key vocabulary as it will unlock many doors to allow our children opportunities to access and engage a deeper understanding within all areas of the curriculum.
The primary aim with French teaching is to develop a love of languages.
We ensure we offer a relevant, broad and ambitious curriculum that will inspire and excite our pupils using a wide range of topics and themes.
All pupils will be given the opportunity to explore a new language through its vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. They will understand where they belong in the world through the study on another culture and how it links to our own, developing a better understanding of self. Pupils will succeed and achieve their full potential through the encouragement of high expectations.
The ultimate aim being that pupils will feel positive and confident about learning languages and be able to continue studying languages beyond key stage 2.
We aim to instil curiosity and fascination within our children to enable them to explore their world as geographers.
Our curriculum is meaningful to the children as it uses units of learning that directly relate to them and the community that they belong to. We strive to encourage the children we teach to ask questions about our impact upon the world and how we can make a positive difference.
Our children’s growing knowledge about the world will help them to have a greater understanding of diverse places and people.
Our primary aim is to foster a love of enquiry-based learning.
We want to create historians that are able to develop their skills and conceptual understanding through exploring and investigating the past. We strive to ensure our children have excellent opportunities to understand the chronology behind every time period they learn about.
In every lesson, our children are able to build on their previous learning with new knowledge, making connections between and across periods of time they have studied. We also recognise the value of teaching subject specific vocabulary to enhance our children’s understanding. Our teachers have high expectations and believe that every child has the ability to achieve and be a thoughtful and reflective historian.
We aim to deliver a History curriculum that is accessible to all and aspire to have our children leave Warden Hill with a breadth, depth and wealth of historical knowledge that will allow them to succeed.
The Maths Subject Leader Group’s primary aim is to develop a love of maths and make it fun and engaging so that everyone can succeed.
From this starting point, we will develop our curriculum to allow children to explore and explain their understanding using the correct mathematical vocabulary. This vocabulary must be deliberately taught and modelled.
We strive for fluent mathematicians to demonstrate their understanding of problem solving and reasoning through dedicated curriculum time within the mastery curriculum (do it, twist it and deepen it). Finally, we belong to our houses in inter-house maths competitions that develop excitement and prestige.
The main focus of the PSHE subject leaders’ group is to ensure that the children receive a curriculum which develops the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.
It ensures they understand the importance of their sense of belonging in our school, the community and the wider world. We use the Cambridgeshire scheme along with other resources from GHLL (Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning) for the children to explore topics about themselves and relationships, healthy lifestyles, citizenship and economic well-being.
We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and to appreciate what it means to belong to a diverse society. We also aim to give them skills to succeed in life by supporting their well-being and mental health.
With this in mind, each year we run a ‘healthy schools week’ with a number of activities which focus on healthy lifestyles and we have well-being days where the children have fun taking part in activities learning about the importance of good mental health.
We also are fully supportive of developing our children’s wider personal development through the following:
- Team work, resilience and respect will be encouraged through children taking part in inter-house events within their bubbles. Inter house events are as follows: Cross Country, Orienteering, Rugby, Football, Netball, Tug of war, Cricket Rounders, Geography TT Rockstars, Spelling Bee, House Choir, Sports Day and Field Events (Athletics)
- Staff members will deliver assemblies via video stream. These will focus on the key themes of British Values (Tolerance, Respect, The Law, Individuality and Democracy)
- Celebration assemblies
- Specialist Sports coaches linked to Move More
- They will have the opportunity to participate in Yoga (Mindpose) and forest school sessions during the year.
- This year we will have whole-school well-being days.
- A range of after school clubs will be on offer for your child to enjoy.
- School trips or visitors to further enhance the learning taking place
- Opportunities to take up a variety of musical instruments including: wind, drums, strings and piano
- Whole class music lessons – currently ukulele
- Residential Trips for Y4 and Y6 (when we are allowed from Government Guidance)
- Running for Class Council and Eco council members
- School and Class librarians aka Book Wizards!
- First Aid training for Y6
The PE Subject Leader Group’s primary aim is to foster a love of PE and sport and make it fun and engaging so that everyone can succeed.
We want our curriculum to allow all children to develop their fundamental movement skills, to explore a range of new and traditional sports and games and to instil the importance of healthy, active styles in the hope that they will become healthy, active adolescents and adults.
Through our engaging curriculum, all children participate in healthy competition and demonstrate their understanding of tactics in game-based situations, along with ensuring they develop the sporting attributes of resilience, determination and teamwork.
Within our house system, all children develop a sense of belonging as they strive for success in a diverse array of sports in our house competitions.
We also provide a range of extra-curricular opportunities for children to compete successfully for the school within inter-school competition; children are able to showcase their abilities at a higher standard and to progress their skills further.
In addition, the PE Subject Leader Group ensures the effective spend of the PE and Sport Premium grant which supports our primary aims stated above. More information on this can be found in the PE and Sport Premium Action Plan.
Progression of Skills | PDF
PE Curriculum Map | PDF
We aim to help children acquire and develop their knowledge and understanding of the principal religions that are represented in the community and wider world that they belong to.
We begin our learning journey by asking the children to reflect on their lives and what they feel is important to them. We then encourage our children to explore by asking questions to make informed judgements about religious and moral issues and we strive to celebrate the differences that make them unique.
Following our local syllabus, RE is taught throughout the school alongside other curriculum areas, particularly PSHCE¸ promoting the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of our children.
Our science curriculum aims to develop our children’s curiosity and understanding of the world around them, so they feel they belong to the world they live in.
Our children are taught both the knowledge and scientific enquiry skills to enable them to explore and question their understanding of concepts. At Warden Hill, scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic and are revisited and developed throughout their time at school. They succeed by answering questions through different types of scientific enquiries. This year, our primary aim is for children to build upon their knowledge by making links to prior learning, therefore embedding this understanding into their long term memory.
We will continue to encourage the children to apply this understanding beyond the lesson to explain observations that they make in their daily lives.