Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Eco Warriors Litter Pick

This term, the Eco Warriors were worried about the amount of litter in their local park, next door to Co-op. We learnt about the reasons why litter is a problem:

  • Harmful to wildlife
  • Plastic contains toxins, which can pollute waterways and oceans
  • Litter can hurt humans

We decided to make posters to tell other park users to stop dropping litter and put it in the bins instead. On Tuesday, we went to the park and met Councillor Graham Beale and Councillor Tony Oliver and put up our posters. We also did a litter pick in the park and were pleased that even though there was some litter to collect, there was less than the last time we visited.
The councillors told us that they have organised a community litter pick at Salisbury Avenue Play Area 11am-12.30pm on the last Sunday of every month., which we are hoping to join.
This summer we want everyone to remember to take their litter home or put it in a bin.