- This event has passed.
Year 6: Feet First Dance Festival
13 June 2022 @ 9:50 am - 3:00 pm
Letter to Parents – 29 April 2022
Letter to Parents – 5 April 2022
If you are hoping to watch the show, you will require a ticket for this event and you can purchase these from the Town Hall box office on 0844 576 2210 (Mon-Fri 10am-8pm, Sat 9:30am-5:30pm) or online https://www.cheltenhamtownhall.org.uk
This event is extremely popular, so to avoid disappointment we suggest you buy early. Tickets are not allocated per child; they are sold on a first come, first serve basis. Dances will be performed in an arena setting (audience surrounding the performing area on all sides); nearer to the time, We will let you know which side to sit on so that you have the best view!
Our dance group is required to be at the Town Hall at 10:20am ready for our rehearsal on stage at 10:40am. Therefore, we are aiming to leave Warden Hill at 9:50am. The main show commences at 1:15pm.
On the day, your child may come to school in their own comfortable clothes suitable for a dance practice (tracksuit bottoms, t-shirts). We will have the chance to change into costumes before the show starts at 1.15pm.
Please provide your child with a well-stocked packed lunch and plenty of water as we will be staying at the Town Hall until the show finishes at approximately at 3:00pm.