Seven Year 6 children attended the prestigious Feet First Dance Festival on Monday 13th June in the iconic and historic Cheltenham Town Hall. We had been leading up to this event since September, meeting every Thursday after school to choreograph a 4-minute dance. This year would be slightly different then in previous years. This year I told the dancers that we would be dancing with chairs – and what we produced, was just stunning. Our dance was full of original, contemporary movements around, on and over chairs!
We were one of twelve schools performing in front of a full audience of adults, and the program was rich with diverse choreography. Our dancers performed the best that they ever performed, showcasing elegance and style. If it were a competition, we would have definitely been awarded first place!
Not only did they perform well on stage; they were also superb ambassadors for the school – upholding our values during every minute of the day. It was an absolute pleasure taking these stars to the festival and they should be extremely proud of themselves – I know I was!
Thank you Year 6 dancers.
Mrs Andrews
We have filmed the dance routine in school to give you a chance to see our dancers in action. Video is available on our YouTube channel.