It was great to get back up to Forest School in January and 2B have really made the most of every minute, totally undaunted by the cold.
In fact finding that it had rained and all the water had frozen turned out to be an absolute highlight for the children; big lumps of it were broken up with trowels, it was stirred up and cooked and it was rolled in the mud. I will certainly be making ice for future sessions – it was so popular.
Even without ice though the mud kitchen is always a hit. Alongside wonderful chocolate cakes and mugs full of hot chocolate, cookies have been a big feature with 2B who also ran a 1000 * restaurant from one of our trees. Edible paint was painted on the walls and I was treated to all manner of very pretty dishes! The food is almost always charged for and change is always given, which is a constant reminder to me of how much the children learn through play.
Den building has been a very popular too with some children happily working alone to achieve their own vision, whilst large groups worked together collaboratively which is so good for their social skills. The dinosaurs have been out and about guarding dens and looking very fierce, and our new flower chalk boards have been used for menus, recipes, and showing who lives where.
On a particularly wet afternoon we did some clay work which produced some really wonderful forest school animal outcomes, and I am always impressed to find the pegs being used to form beautiful artwork.
I really do believe that there is something for everyone in Forest School: it is a great leveller amongst the children who are limited only by their wonderful imaginations.
Sessions will be offered to 2T next then both year 1 classes followed by reception as we move into the summer.
Mrs Chavasse