Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Gloucestershire Young Photographer of the Year 2023

A number of our students entered the competition for Gloucestershire’s Young Photographer of the year 2023. The judges were very pleased with the standard of this year’s entries and we are delighted to share an audio-visual presentation of the work submitted.
The following seven entries were selected for display:

“Eco Car” by Noah Slatter
“Houses of Parliament / Big Ben” by Poppy Rogers
“An Evening in Spain” by Ved Sikaria
“Spring at Sudeley” by Juliet Cammack
“Pink Petals” by KiKi-Bo Johnson
“Winter Walk” by Lola Gowing
“Flower Power” by Millie Hockley

Of those selected, Kiki-Bo Johnson and Lola Gowing were both given awards for their work. We are incredibly proud of their achievements!