Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham


The Governing Body oversees the school’s management and aims to ensure that all children at the school get the best possible education and are able to make the most of all the opportunities that come their way.

Each month one of the Governors will make themselves available and will come into the school to find out how things are going, visit at least one class, chat with staff and parents and answer any questions relating to the school.

This page is designed to ensure you can recognise who our Governors are and also to learn a little more about them. If there is something you would like to bring to the Governors’ attention, you are welcome to talk to any member or to email chair@wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk

My name is Lynda Dineen and I am privileged to be the Chair of Warden Hill’s Governing Body. I became a governor in 2015 and for a number of years was co vice Chair, then co Chair, alongside Neil Chamberlain.

I have seen the school flourish, pupils prosper and staff develop their diverse skills under the strong leadership of Mrs. Flooks, our headteacher.

Governors work on behalf of the children, parents, and staff at Warden Hill, to make sure that the school is giving the best education possible to all our pupils. Amongst many other things, we observe, get involved, support and challenge, to ensure that the school is well resourced, the budget is allocated and spent wisely and that staff provide an innovative, structured, sustainable, and safe environment for learning.

Our governors are, in the main, not teachers and are drawn from diverse backgrounds. They offer a range of skills. Full Governing Body meetings are held every term. Link governors have been appointed by the board. They liaise with appropriate staff to monitor the school’s progress. They then report back to all governors at the termly board meetings. 

I have been involved in education since the age of four, when I lined up my toys and read stories to them. Subsequently, I went into teaching and after working in a number of schools in Sheffield and Gloucestershire, I became a head teacher. Before I retired, I worked as Head Teacher Support for the Local Authority and worked with over one hundred heads in the county.

Our Governing Body is strong but there are sometimes opportunities for new people to get involved. We have Parent Governors, Co-opted Governors, and Local Authority Governors. When vacancies arise the school community is informed. If you have a commitment to the success of Warden Hill pupils and are willing to give up time to get involved, look out for vacancies.

Meanwhile, I look forward to working with the school community. All of our Governors are approachable and if you have any concerns or wish to celebrate aspects of school life, please get in touch.

The Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team manage the day-to-day running of the school. The Governors work with them to determine the aims, objectives and policies, in accordance with all the relevant legislations. This involves looking at all the information and making decisions on, for example, the future direction of the school and how the budget should be spent. This is all done with the intention of giving the pupils at Warden Hill Primary School the best education possible. As Governors are volunteers, they need to be passionate about this as they often have to fit meetings in around busy work and/or home lives.

The Governing Body is made up of parents, staff, Local Education Authority representatives, and people who represent the local community and partnership angles. Associate members are also appointed to give advice on specific aspects where appropriate. Governors work as a team, both as a Full Governing Board and as link governors