Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Literature Festival Review

Just from talking to our pupils it is evident what enjoyment books and reading bring them.

Here’s what they had to say about their visits to the Literature Festival this week.

“I loved Emma Carrol, she was so engaging”
Mille, Year 6

“I drew some pictures for the Super Silly Museum”
Finn, Year 2

Year 2

“Thea’s drawing was taken onto the stage to share with everyone!”
Mr Bailey

“I liked that we actually saw the man who wrote the book and I like the drawings, too”
Oliver, Reception

“Seeing Nick Sharratt and seeing the new unicorn book”
Lara, Reception

“I liked the Pooseum because it was so funny”
Ottlie, Reception


“Seeing Nick Sharratt and seeing the unicorn book”
Fox, Reception


We were so excited to meet Jenny Pearson. She talked to us about always being ourselves and to let that show. We also met the Gruffalo! Y4