Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Pupils’ Successes at Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts

Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts is Cheltenham’s oldest Festival. It is held in a wonderful setting of Cheltenham Town Hall. 

There are nearly 300 classes in Dance, Music, and Drama and all ages are encouraged to enter and perform on a public stage and receive feedback from  eminent professional adjudicators.

Some of our pupils took part and made a great impression.

Linkang (4P) and Linsu (3A) have each won a cup for their piano performances.

Olivia (3A) who participated in the festival for the first time won a silver medal  in the piano solo.

Cheltenham Festivals of Performing Arts for the first time on last Sunday. She won a silver medal in the 8 years and under piano solo category.

Linkang (4P) and Xin (4P) each won a trophy for their violin and cello performances

Huge congratulations – we are very proud of you!