Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Rafa: Young Writers’ Winner

Huge congratulations to Rafa, who was one of the overall winners of the Young Writers’ poetry competition.

What is it?

It is an object,
Full of colour and twists,
Each side my favourite.
Have you guessed it already?

It has the colour red,
Stands for my passion,
For something I love -
Something called 'reading'!

It has the colour blue,
Stands for the sky and ocean,
For something I believe -
No limit to what I can achieve!

It has the colour green,
Stands for outdoors,
For everything I enjoy -
Games, long walks and enjoying nature!

It has the colour orange,
Stands for my favourite season
For something I am in awe -
Simply stunning shades of autumn!

It has the colour white,
Stands for my love for family,
For everything I cherish -
Purity and care around!

Finally, the colour yellow,
Stands for something I wake up to,
For something I look up to -
Bright and shining sun!

Have you guessed it?
If you have, you've smashed it
Well done! For it is -
My magical Rubik's Cube!