A very warm welcome to Reception
It gives us great pleasure in welcoming you to our school and thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with and get to know your children. The first year at school is so important, as it builds the foundations for your child’s personal, social and emotional development, as well as their academic skills, knowledge and understanding. They will soon feel that they belong – to their class, to their house and to the school community. With this, and their developing confidence, your child will continue to thrive throughout their time at Warden Hill Primary School.
In Reception we endeavour to provide fun, hands-on activities for them to explore within a safe, challenging and stimulating learning environment, tailored around the children’s interests. This promotes motivated, enthused and eager learners as well as developing a sense of independence, always striving to succeed.
Promoting a love of reading early on is extremely important and we are passionate about exposing the children to a variety of authors and exciting reads, helping to deepen and enrich their vocabulary. Our first theme explores the magic of rhyming and storytelling. Julia Donaldson is a firm favourite and our Gruffalo crumble goes down a treat! We endeavour to inspire the children through books with exciting experiences such as meeting ‘Bob the man on the moon’, being superheroes for the day and going on an expedition as David Attenborough. Providing these opportunities for the children encourages them to be curious learners, problem solvers, as well as helping them to find out about the world around them.
Right from Reception our children represent their school houses of Churn, Windrush, Coln and Leach, earning house points and playing their part in inter-house events.