Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Recycle Week: 17-23 October

Next week is Recycle Week (17th – 23rd October) and the Eco Warriors would like to remind children that in addition to the paper, card and plastics that are recycled in school, the items below can be recycled as well:

  • Used batteries from home can be brought into the main office reception area and placed in our battery recycle bin.
  • Empty (unfolded) crisp packets from children’s lunchboxes can be put in the green recycle bins at lunchtime, which are located in the Infant and Junior halls.

Also, each class is trying to be more eco-friendly and recycle their used writing instruments. Used pens, felt tips, markers and highlighters from the classrooms are going to be taken to a local collection site which is part of the TerraCycle Recycle Scheme. Once collected, the writing instruments will be cleaned and separated by material type. Then the fibres and plastics will be recycled into raw formats that manufacturers can use to make new products!

In addition to this, next week the Eco warriors will be taking part in a litter pick, with some pupils from Bournside School, at Salisbury Avenue park, to help raise the awareness of the harm litter can cause to our environment.