RSE Consultation
RSE Consultation Update (January 2021)
Thank you for taking the time to respond to our Relationship and Sexual Education Curriculum consultation.
Survey results
Q1: I understand what the new Relationships and Sex Education curriculum will cover in primary schools.
Q2: I am pleased that my child will be learning about different aspects of relationships – including family structures, friendship, bullying, teamwork, growing up, feelings and stereotypes.
Q3: I agree that Relationships and Sex Education should be inclusive and represent the diverse society in which we live.
Q4: I feel confident in answering my child’s questions linked to relationships and growing up.
The responses below are from the questions and themes raised from feedback from the parents who responded to the consultation.
When will the new RSE curriculum be taught?
The statutory RSE curriculum will be taught in the Spring 2.
Is the new RSE curriculum compulsory?
Yes. The RSE curriculum is statutory, apart from the optional Y6 unit on Sexual Education, which you can withdraw your child from. They will however cover the biological aspects of this unit in science, which you can’t withdraw your child from.
Will I be able to view the Y5 and Y6 videos that are used as part of the lessons?
Yes – we will invite you in to watch them before they are seen by the children.
Can I teach this unit instead of the school?
We welcome family support in discussing these units, however we have a statutory duty to teach them. We recognise that there are different family viewpoints and beliefs when it comes to this subject and as parents you are able to share your own values at home. We will ensure that all of our teaching is sensitive and age appropriate in approach and content.
Is your RSE curriculum diverse and include different viewpoints?
Our RSE curriculum is inclusive and we acknowledge everybody is different.
Are any external agencies coming to deliver any of the RSE curriculum?
All of the RSE curriculum will be delivered by a Warden Hill teacher.
Can I withdraw my child from the RSE curriculum based on religious beliefs?
No. This is a statutory curriculum – see Q2 above.
As no changes were needed to the policy it will go to Governors to be ratified.
Dear Parents
As part of the your child’s educational experience at Warden Hill Primary, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a range carefully planned units of work from the Cambridgeshire Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) scheme of work. This scheme has been firmly embedded in our curriculum for years, with the most recent updates to the units taught in 2020. This curriculum area is essential in supporting our children’s developing knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives both now and in the future.
As many of you will be aware the Department of Education announced changes to the relationships and sex education following a nationwide consultation. These changes came into effect from September 2020 and all schools are required to comply with the update requirements. Due to Covid 19 schools have been able to delay the start of this until the summer term 2021. The Government guidance can be found below.
This means that we have been reviewing our RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) curriculum and policy so we can be sure our RSE provision is appropriate for our pupils based on their:
- Age
- Physical and emotional maturity
- Religious and cultural backgrounds
- Special educational needs and disabilities
As a school we have decided to adopt the RSE curriculum from Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning(GHLL) team (part of the LA). The whole teaching staff have been able to attend high quality training from the GHLL team over the last year and have had time to study the lessons and familiarise themselves with the resources to support our children in delivering these sessions.