We are inviting children in Years 1-6 to stand for their class’s School Council and Eco Representatives.
This year, we are starting a slightly new system to enable more children to take on these roles during their time at Warden Hill.
Your child will only be able to stand once for each role in Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4, and Years 5 and 6.
As this is a new system, all children can stand this year, even if they were a class representative last year.
Children need to tell their teacher two days before the Elections Day that they wish to stand.
Elections will happen on the same day in every class.
Children need to have prepared something and have it with them on voting day in order to stand.
Years 1 and 2:
Children need to draw a picture or make a poster to present to their class.
Years 3 – 6:
Children need to create a verbal presentation (no powerpoints). They can also have props such as posters or pictures but nothing should be handed out to the class.
Parents are welcome to support their children in preparing for the role but posters etc must be the children’s own work.
Wednesday 18th September:
Inform your teacher if you wish to stand and for which roles.
Friday 20th September:
Elections Day
Children to present to their class.
Good luck to all candidates.