School Day
As per the Government’s guidance, all state-funded, mainstream schools are expected to provide a compulsory school week of at least 32.5 hours.
- 8:35am GATES OPEN
- 8:45am REGISTRATION School Day Starts
- 10:15am - 10:30am BREAK - KS1
- 10:33am - 10:55am BREAK - KS2
- 12:15pm - 1:15pm LUNCH
Drop-off and Collection
We strongly ask parents not to drive cars into Durham Close, even on wet days. Please park in Lincoln Avenue or other nearby roads and walk your children to school. There are always a large number of parked cars on surrounding roads and this can make journeys to and from school more hazardous than normal especially if children have to cross roads from behind parked vehicles.
We do our best to make children aware of these dangers but expect parents to take responsibility for ensuring their children are safe on the way to and from school. To help train the pupils, please ensure that you and your children always walk on footpaths, particularly near the school gates and in the school grounds.
Infant children must be escorted onto their playground, where parents should wait until the children are allowed into classrooms. At the end of school day Infant children should be collected from the playground. If an unknown representative does this for them, school must be informed.
Also, for health and safety reasons, dogs are not allowed in the school grounds.
Junior children should aim to be on the playground before 8:45am. However, children should not arrive before 8.35 am, as supervision is not offered before that time.
Children should not play on any of the school adventure playground equipment unsupervised before the start of and after the end of school.