Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

School Uniform

The aim of the Warden Hill Primary School uniform:

  • Promotes a sense of pride within our school
  • Fosters a feeling of belonging and community
  • Practical and smart
  • Makes our children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
  • Sets a high standard of appearance for all, whilst clothing our pupils in practical, cost effective school wear
Warden Hill Primary School branded uniform items can be ordered and paid for via Parent Pay account.

Please make sure to label all items with your child’s name.

  • Polo Shirt – school branded, navy blue
  • Sweatshirt – school branded, navy blue 
  • Trousers, shorts, skirt or skort – grey school uniform 
  • Tights – plain grey or plain navy blue
  • Socks – plain grey, plain navy blue or plain black

Sturdy, black school shoes; Velcro or lace fastenings.

No slip-on shoes or boots allowed.  

Trainers are not allowed as normal footwear.

All hair accessories (hair bands/bows/ties etc.) need to be navy blue or black in colour. No large bows. No dyed or coloured hair.

Shoulder length hair and longer must be tied back.

Short hair should not contain tram lines or equivalent. 

Hair styles should be neat and conservative. ‘Extreme’ hair cuts/styles are not permitted within school. (Extreme is any haircut or style that is considered by the school to be significantly different as to cause distraction to others & therefore their learning.)

Children should have a suitable waterproof coat with a hood to wear outdoors when the weather is inclement. Reception and Year One children to preferably have a zip up coat.

Sun hats are encouraged to be worn at playtimes in the summer. Navy baseball caps and Navy blue legionnaire caps with the WHPS logo are available from the school office.

Parents should apply suntan lotion to their children before school. Suntan lotion should not be brought into school.

Small stud earrings that can easily be covered for PE, no other jewellery allowed.

Wrist watches may be worn by the children. Although we advise against it as they are easily broken, lost and a temptation to others when left lying about and the school cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage.

Smart watches are not allowed in school.

No make up or nail varnish to be worn within school.

Sports Kit

PE kits should be kept in a named draw-string bag and taken home periodically to wash.

  • School House T-Shirt 
  • Plain navy blue or black sweatshirt or base layer
  • Plain navy blue or black sports shorts or joggers
  • Trainers


  • Swimming trunks (NOT loose fitting Bermuda style shorts)
  • Large towel


  • Full swimsuit (NOT two piece or nearly two piece costumes)
  • Large towel

A letter will be sent at the appropriate time informing parents about swimming lessons. Swimwear should be brought in on the day in a named bag. Long hair should be tied back. Goggles and swimming hats are optional.