The Government is making available a sum of money annually to all schools to allow them to continue to develop sports provision and to help increase pupil participation in sporting activity until the academic year 2024/2025. For our school this means approximately £19,500 per year. As a school we pride ourselves on a curriculum which is designed to encourage both participation for all, alongside competitive curricular and extra-curricular sport.
The Association for Physical Education provide schools with the following criteria for how it should be spent.
The Sports Premium indicators are:
PE Sports Premium Action Plan 2023-2024
PE and Sports Premium Action Plan 2022-2023
PE and Sports Premium Action Plan 2021-2022
PE and Sports Premium Action Plan 2020-2021
PE and Sports Premium Action Plan 2019-2020
Sports Premium Report 2018-19
Aims and Action Plan 2017-18
Aims and Evaluation 2016-17
Evaluation and Update 2015-2016
Update 2014-2015
Sports Premium Plan 2013-2014