Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

World Book Day

March 7th marked World Book Day at Warden Hill. It was an afternoon filled with excitement, creativity, and, most importantly, a celebration of the joy of reading.

Our World Book Day was dedicated to sharing stories and fostering a love for reading among our students. As part of the day, teachers delighted their classes with a new tale, sparking imaginations and igniting a passion for storytelling. From Year 4 planting seeds inspired by the book Seed by Caryl Lewis to Year 1R taking inspiration from Michael Rosen’s Chocolate Cake book and making cakes, it was a great day for all!

One of the most special moments of the day was the opportunity for students to share their own stories with peers from different year groups. This storytelling sessions bridged age gaps, fostering connections and enhancing our sense of community at Warden Hill.

Throughout the day, there was a buzz of excitement surrounding reading. From the animated discussions about favourite books to the eager anticipation of discovering new stories, our school was alive with the joy of literature.

Thank you to all the staff and parents for their continued support in promoting reading at Warden Hill.