Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Red Nose Day

Our total is £906.03

Children are welcome to wear their casual clothes or fancy dress today. In return we are asking for donations towards Comic Relief. This year we are collecting donations via JustGiving page. Alternatively you can drop money off in the school office.



If your child has a PE/Games or Active Lunch session on this Friday, please ensure they have appropriate clothing that they can still complete these sessions at school. As ever, if you would like your child to bring a change of footwear they are welcome to do so. If you are unsure whether your child has an active session on that day, you can check it on the weekly bulletin.



Welcome Back Assembly

Mrs Flooks and Mr Antonious have just finished recording today’s assembly. It is available on our Youtube Channel.

Eco Council: Recycle this Christmas

Warden Hill Eco Warriors would like to encourage you to recycle as much as you can this festive season.

We have organised a Christmas card recycling scheme for the first 2 weeks of January. We would like you to bring in old Christmas cards, which will then be taken to a local charity who will use them to create new cards.

Y5 and Y6 Eco members have also researched other ways you can recycle this Christmas and have created a video packed with information about what you can recycle in Cheltenham. We hope everyone remembers the 3Rs this Christmas: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Happy Christmas from Warden Hill Eco Warriors!

School Streets Trial

The School Streets Trial starts on Tuesday 3rd  November. The trial will last up to 18 months expiring on 1st May 2022.

In due course the Council will consider whether or not the provisions of the Experimental Variation Order should continue in force indefinitely.
Within 6 months of coming into force of the Experimental Variation Order any person may object to its indefinite continuation. Any such representation should be sent in writing to the

Assistant Director of Legal Services
Shire Hall
Westgate Street

or emailed to highwayconsult@gloucestershire.gov.uk no later than 2nd May 2021 stating the grounds on which it is made.

Any comments that you make concerning this proposal cannot be treated as confidential.

For further details about the order and to access the documentation related to the order please use this link to the School Streets Gloucestershire website:


School Streets is described as a ‘Revolution at the School Gate’, aimed at bringing communities together to make streets around schools safer and healthier for all, but foremost for our children. This leaflet aims to provide a summary of the scheme alongside the enclosed consultation information for the Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders.

Gloucestershire County Council is committed:

  • To giving priority to families choosing to walk, scoot or cycle
  • To reducing traffic, congestion and pollution outside schools
  • To encouraging an active lifestyle for children and their families
  • To creating a safer, cleaner, more pleasant environment for the whole community, encouraging greener travel options.

Here in Gloucestershire, we are launching our own trial in autumn 2020 to explore how street design and removing motorised vehicles can improve safety and the environment around the school gate. The ThinkTravel team at Gloucestershire County Council is partnering with Tewkesbury C of E Primary School and Warden Hill Primary School to create our very first School Streets initiative in Gloucestershire.

The trial

Warden Hill Primary School has been experiencing hazardous parking and congestion near the school gate, causing some road safety issues. The School Streets trial proposes, by way of Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders, to legally close the road(s) around the school to most of the traffic at school opening and closing times. The scheme will also introduce parking restrictions in the immediate and near by area to facilitate the School Street and aid safety and traffic flow on access routes. As well as creating a safer environment for those travelling to school on foot or by more sustainable transport means, it is hoped that this trial will further encourage a reduction in numbers of children being driven to school and to improve air quality at peak times.

What is the proposed scheme?

  • Durham Close (from its junction with Lincoln Avenue) will be made a pedestrian and cycle only zone Monday – Friday between 8:15am and 9:15am and 2:30pm and 3:30pm.
  • Residents who live directly in the affected street (Durham Close) will still have access to their properties during the closure times with a valid permit.
  • Other vehicles exempt from the closure include school staff, council and utility vehicles, emergency services and blue badge holders.
  • All vehicles that are in the school street when operational will be able to exit.
  • Signage will be erected at the entrance to the school street on Durham Close informing drivers of the restrictions.
  • The school street will be managed by removable barriers that will be manned by a designated person.
  • The trial scheme will begin on 2nd November 2020. 
  • The trial can run for up to a maximum of 18 months.
  • Before the trial ends, a decision will be made on whether to make the scheme permanent or abandon it, taking all comments received into consideration.

Please also complete our travel survey

Whatever your views about School Streets, as a parent, resident, business or driver, we want to hear from you. Your feedback will help the council to understand travel and transport choices around school times.

The Schools Streets survey will go live on Monday 2nd November 2020 and we invite you to have your say and get involved!
Please visit www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/schoolstreets to complete the survey online.

Paper versions will also be available by contacting the Integrated Transport Unit on 01452 425233 between 9am – 4pm
Monday to Friday.
You can submit your paper form by handing it in to any council officer visiting the site or by posting to:

Integrated Transport Unit
Gloucestershire County Council
Shire Hall
Westgate Street

Permits for residents in Durham Close and school staff can be obtained using the phone and postal details above or by emailing Thinktravel@gloucestershire.gov.uk

New School for Warden Hill

Dear Parents,

It gives me great pleasure to announce that it has been approved by Gloucestershire County Council that we will be getting a brand new school built on our existing site. At the moment I have limited details for you in terms of the start date and estimated completion dates for the build, but will keep you updated as and when I receive information. This is a very exciting project and nothing more than our children and wider community deserve – we are all really delighted as a staff. 

Estimated timeline:

Planning submission – end of January 2021.
Work to start on site (subject to Planning) – July 2021
Completion of new school building – Summer 2022
Final completion (demolition of existing buildings and final external works – early 2023

Please see the press release from GGC:

Warden Hill Primary to get a brand new school

Gloucestershire County Council’s cabinet will be asked to approve the funding needed for a replacement school building at Warden Hill Primary at its next meeting on 11 November.

Over £5.5 million had already been approved to expand Warden Hill by one form of entry and address the condition of the school, but new forecasts show that more primary places in the area are now not needed at this time. Cabinet is being asking to approve an additional £1 million to provide the funding for a replacement building instead.

Warden Hill Primary is rated as an ‘outstanding’ school by Ofsted, however, the building is in need of extensive refurbishment. Detailed investigations into the existing site and buildings showed it would be a more efficient use of resources to replace the existing infant and junior buildings with a brand new one. This will provide the school with a sustainable building, in line with the council’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. Better facilities will offer more flexibility for teaching and learning and if the school needs to be expanded in the future, the new design will allow for this to happen in a more efficient way.

Work on the new building is due to start in 2021, subject to planning permission, and the existing school will continue to run on site until then so there will be no disruption to pupils’ learning.

Cllr Patrick Molyneux, cabinet member for economy, education, and skills, said: “Warden Hill is already an outstanding school but the current buildings don’t provide the excellent learning environment that all pupils deserve to be educated in. This significant investment of over £6.5 million is just part of our £100 million project to improve schools across Gloucestershire.”

Cabinet will also be asked to approve an extra £2.25 million for the new special school in Brockworth, taking the total investment to £9.75 million. Now that contractors have been appointed and detailed site surveys have been done, more funding is needed to address ground and drainage issues at the site and for new services to be connected. The additional investment will also cover more work on the design of the building to make sure it is carbon neutral, and will support improvements to Henley Bank High School’s sports facilities in exchange for the land for the school.

The Duchess of Cambridge to lead an online assembly on mental wellbeing among children

The Duchess of Cambridge to lead an online assembly on mental wellbeing among children

On Thursday 18 June, the Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy during which she will speak about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’ and is based on a lesson plan which is available on the Mentally Healthy Schools platform. This platform was developed in collaboration with children’s mental health charity Place2Be and encourages children to explore ways in which they can show kindness and recognise the benefits of kindness to others.

The Mentally Healthy Schools platform can be accessed here:


The assembly will be live on the Oak National Academy website at 11am on Thursday 18 June and can be accessed here:


A recording of the assembly will be available to view on the Oak National Academy website following the event.

Cheltenham Science Festival at Home

We are delighted to announce that this year’s Cheltenham Science Festival will still be going ahead as a virtual festival to be streamed for free 2-7 June via Cheltenham Festivals YouTube channel.

This year’s festival will be called Cheltenham Science Festival @ Home as the team invite you to join them on your smartphone, smart TV or laptop for six days of science events. The Festival will mix live online events, pre-recorded events with live Q + As with speakers, participatory workshops and other novel online formats. The daily programme will start at 10am and run through until 8pm. Details about the daily programme can be found here: https://www.cheltenhamfestivals.com/science-home/whats-on/grid

Some year groups have scheduled events, as part of their home learning on Google Classroom.

In addition to the main events, the festival has also organised a virtual Discover Zone:


We know how much you enjoy the Discover Zone, the hands-on hub of science exploration. This year, the festival is bringing the Discover Zone to your home. Featuring online activities from Festival partners such as computer games, design and codebreaking challenges and a virtual tour of a power plant, there are plenty of activities to immerse yourself in with Cheltenham Science Festival @ Home. Have fun!

VE Day Celebrations

Here is some of the work created by our children as part of VE Day celebrations.


Year 5 Writing Task: to write a diary entry from the point of view of someone your age after the celebrations for victory on the 8th May 1945. What were the VE Day celebrations like? How are you feeling?
Are you excited about the change? Do you feel sad about what has been lost? What have you lost?
Are you in the countryside after being evacuated? You could be excited to go home?
The rationing of food will still be in place for a while. How do you feel about this?