Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Christmas Scene Competition

Competition Details:

  • Theme: Christmas Scenes
  • Prize: The winning Christmas scene will win a fantastic Christmas-themed hamper for your school!
  • Submit your design to the school office or email admin@wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk

Deadline – 11th December

Christmas Lights Switch On at St Christopher’s

Warden Hill took a 35-strong choir to St Christopher’s light switch on, on Monday. We were welcomed at the event by Reverend Lauren Gate, who will also be joining us at our KS2 carol concert next Friday. It was hugely well attended by members of the church, parents and families of Warden Hill, Cheltenham’s mayor Paul Baker, and many members of the local community too.

Christmas Charity Fundraising

School Council Christmas Charity Collections

Every year, during December, our School Council raises money for chosen charities.

This year, we will support two local charities: Sue Ryder Leckhampton Hospice and Cheltenham Animal Shelter.

School Council members will have charity collection buckets during every Christmas events, so please remember to bring some loose change.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Christmas at Warden Hill

All our Christmas events in one place.

Reading Christmas Advent

Warden Hill’s Reading Christmas Advent: A festive countdown in 25 chapters

What better way to step into December then unwrapping a chapter of a book each day to count down to Christmas.

This year, KS2 children will be opening a ‘reading door’ each day and will be immersed in the story: Step Father Christmas by L.D. Lapinsky. A heart-warming and hilarious festive story exploring the magic of Christmas.

Key Stage 1 children will be opening a ‘reading door’ to discover individual Christmas stories which are true favourites of our teachers.

All books and chapters will be read by members of our team.

Merry Christmas everyone…and let the countdown begin.

PTA: Santa’s Grotto

At this year’s Christmas Fayre Santa will be making an extra special visit to our School.

Why not bring your child/ren along to meet Santa in his grotto, hear him read a Christmas Story and then take home a little Christmas gift.

There will also be the opportunity for you to take pictures of your child/ren with Santa. This is on a first come first served basis as there are only 175 spaces split across 7 time slots.  

Tickets cost £4 each which includes a little Christmas gift.  

Siblings can take part but will also need a ticket. Babes in arms are also welcome, but do not need a ticket and therefore will not receive a gift.

When filling out your details on SumUp it is imperative that you put your child’s name and class, this can either be put as the contact’s name, or in the Message to Merchant section where you can add multiple names and classes. 

Use the following link to book slots bit.ly/WHPTASanta

Open Mornings


We are happy to invite prospective parents of children starting Reception in September 2025.

Please book your place here:

Below is a video we have created to show our school vision enacted.