Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Look Who’s Talking

On Thursday 18th January we hosted our Look Who’s Talking oracy competition. The children who had won their class heats performed a speech on a topic of their choice and they blew us away!

All 11 of our finalists spoke confidently, passionately and engaged us all. Congratulations to all of them.

Our class winners were:

Billy – Y1
Florence – Y1
Joseph – Y2
Teddy – Y2
Mason  – Y3
Zoe – Y3
Noora – Y4
Millie – Y4
Thomas – Y5
Lottie – Y5
Rafa – Y6
Sam – Y6

Our judging panel had a challenging job to pick their three winners who will now go on to compete against children from other schools in Cheltenham.
A huge congratulations to:

Joseph (KS1)
Noora (Lower KS2)
Rafa (Upper KS2)