Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

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PTA: Halloween Disco

24 October 2024 @ 5:30 pm - 7:45 pm

PTA – Halloween Disco Drop of/Pick Up Details

For all those with children coming to the disco tonight, please make note of the following collection details:

Children can be dropped off by the grey gate to the left of reception and jackets should be left with parents.  No electronic equipment allowed or costume accessories such as axes/swords or broomsticks.

To collect your child/ren please go through the grey side gate, walk around the side of the building and into the main hall where the children will be separated into year groups.  You can then exit through the main entrance.

Please respect our neighbours when arriving and leaving and keep noise levels to a minimum.

Also please ensure that you and your child/ren walk, not run, on the path around the car park to ensure everyone’s safety and not across the car park or run.

The main gate to the car park will be closed at 6pm, so there will be no parking on site for collection after the Yr1/Yr2 disco, or drop off for the Junior disco.  This is to ensure the safety of everyone during change over.

All children must be collected, no child will be allowed to go home on their own.  If your child is being collected by another parent/responsible adult then please let us know by midday today via the PTA email PTA@Wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk.


24 October 2024
5:30 pm - 7:45 pm
Event Category:
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Warden Hill Primary School
Durham Close
Cheltenham, GL51 3DF United Kingdom
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