Rotary Primary School Quiz
3 April @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
The Rotary Club of Cheltenham would like to invite all Primary Schools in the area to participate in a General Knowledge Quiz for children in year 6. This popular annual event offers an exciting opportunity for challenge and fun to your talented children. The questions will be designed to be curriculum and age group compatible.
There will be 8 rounds in such subjects as:
Science, History, Geography, Maths, English Grammar, Sport, Popular Culture General Knowledge
One team of 4 children per school initially may be entered. (Please let us know if you would like to enter more teams and we may be able to accommodate them).
Next year’s event will be held at Warden Hill Primary School, as they were winners in a very competitive event in 2024.
Venue: Warden Hill Primary School, Durham Close, Cheltenham GL51 3DF
Phone: 01242 523827
Email: admin@wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk
Date: Thursday 3rd April 2025
Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Prizes will be given to all participants and a small cup presented to the winning school.
To enter your team, please contact David Price on dw.price@btinternet.com or mobile: 07803 601157 or email the school office: admin@wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk