Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

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Shakespeare Workshop

18 June 2024

Year 3, 4 and 5 Shakespeare Workshop


Dear Parents

We are delighted to be able to share with you that we have secured a day with West End in Schools to come in and run workshops with our children on Tuesday 18th June.  This company brings theatre into schools and they will be bringing A Midsummer Night’s Dream alive.

As an addition to our current curriculum, we have booked this opportunity to give our children a taste of theatre by bringing Shakespeare alive. The children will have an opportunity to live and breathe Shakespeare’s language through an interactive drama workshop.  Each class will have a session with them during the day and this will culminate in a performance to their classmates of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

We are asking parents to make a small payment of £3.00 towards the cost of the workshop. It would be impossible to fund the workshop entirely out of school money, therefore if insufficient payments are made, it may have to be cancelled. All payments can be made through the ParentPay system no later than the 26th May.

Many thanks for your continued support
The Oracy Team


18 June 2024
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Warden Hill Primary School
Durham Close
Cheltenham, GL51 3DF United Kingdom
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