Year 3 Trip: Bristol Museum and Art Gallery
13 March @ 9:00 am - 3:15 pm

Y3 Bristol Museum Trip 13 March 2025
We have booked a trip to Bristol Museum, to enhance the children’s learning about our science unit, ‘Rocks and Soils’.
About the trip
The children will become young geologists to investigate rocks and fossils. They will take part in geology activities to discover more about the rock cycle, how volcanoes are formed and plate tectonics. In addition to this, we will be visiting the Egyptian Exhibit which will consolidate our learning about the Ancient Egyptians.
Required on the day:
- A packed lunch (no cans, glass, or fizzy drinks please)
- A healthy snack
- Plenty of water
We are asking parents to make a voluntary contribution of £12 towards the cost of the visit. It would be impossible to fund the trip out of school money, therefore if insufficient voluntary contributions are raised, it may have to be cancelled. All payments can be made through the ParentPay system. Please make sure that you provide your consent by ticking the appropriate box. Parental consent is necessary for your child to attend this trip and should be made by Friday 28th February.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Gaisford and Mrs Catchpole
Year 3 Team