Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

RA Forest School

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Reception Balanceability

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Reception Balanceability We will be doing our last session of Balanceability training this Wednesday 19th June. Children can bring their own bike to school for Balanceability, however, they can only bring one if they can ride it INDEPENDENTLY without stabilisers. No bikes with stabilisers will be allowed. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kit.

RA Forest School

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

RA Forest School

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

RA Forest School

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

RA Forest School

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Reception 2024: Curriculum Evening

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Reception Curriculum Evening – discussing valuable skills to assist your child’s learning throughout the year ahead, including information about the delivery of the EYFS curriculum.

Reception 2024: Parents Coffee Morning

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Reception 2024 Parents Coffee Morning with Mrs Flooks and SLT in the Practical room for an opportunity to socialise with other parents without pre-schoolers. Please meet at the main school office.

RB Forest School

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

RB - Forest School Session https://wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk/forest-school/

RW – Forest School

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

RW - Forest School Session https://wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk/forest-school/

Reception Nativity

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Reception Nativity

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

RW: The Elves and The Shoemaker

Everyman Regent Street, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

In this new adaptation of the classic tale, a lonely shoemaker gets more than they wished for as two cheeky, but very helpful, elves take over their shop. With Christmas closing in they desperately need to sell more shoes… Late at night, using needles, thread, leather and a dusting of magic the Elves create the ... Read more

RB: The Elves and The Shoemaker

Everyman Regent Street, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

In this new adaptation of the classic tale, a lonely shoemaker gets more than they wished for as two cheeky, but very helpful, elves take over their shop. With Christmas closing in they desperately need to sell more shoes… Late at night, using needles, thread, leather and a dusting of magic the Elves create the ... Read more

Reception Towers and Turrets Day

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

We will be having a day full of medieval fun and a royal ball! We would like the children to come to school that day dressed up as something related to this (prince/princess/king/queen/dragon/knight etc).

National Child Measurement Programme

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Letter to Parents - Year 6 - Pre-Measurement Letter_2024 Letter to Parents - Reception - re-Measurement Letter_2024