Parents’ Evening
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdomhttps://www.parents-booking.co.uk/wardenhill
Warden Hill Way Governors Celebration
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomHouse Rugby
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomOn Friday children are asked to come to school in their PE kit and school shoes on and have their uniform and trainers in a bag to change into later.
Safer Internet Day
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomSafer Internet Day BBC Bitesize KS1 BBC Bitesize KS2
Year 6 to HSL to watch Annie production
The High School Leckhampton Farm Lane, Cheltenham, United KingdomReception Towers and Turrets Day
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomWe will be having a day full of medieval fun and a royal ball! We would like the children to come to school that day dressed up as something related to this (prince/princess/king/queen/dragon/knight etc).
Non-uniform Day for Windrush House
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomPTA Danceathon
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomAfter the success and feedback from last year's Danceathon, we will be holding another on Friday 14th February during school hours. This is a fun way for the children to be involved in raising funds for their school. We will ask them to Dance for up to 30 minutes, at the end of which they ... Read more
Half Term
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomWHPS Sports Camp
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdomhttps://wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk/sports-camps/
National Child Measurement Programme
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomLetter to Parents - Year 6 - Pre-Measurement Letter_2024 Letter to Parents - Reception - re-Measurement Letter_2024
School Nursing Hub
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomJoin us at your School Nurse Hub for parents. We provide confidential, professional support with any concerns you may have for your child, including healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise, self-esteem and resilience, sleep, dental health and hygiene, anxiety and behaviour. Drop in for an informal chat or take opportunity to meet other parents with similar ... Read more
2R Forest School
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom2R's Forest School sessions will start on Wednesday 26 February. Please remember to send your child in with suitable kit. Children must have warm waterproof coats and wellies/old trainers as forest school can get very muddy. Please refer to our Forest School page for the details: https://wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk/forest-school/ Sessions will take place on February 26th, ... Read more
PTA Movie Night
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomDespicable Me 4 (U) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7510222/ The movie that will be shown is Despicable Me 4 with rating U. Children in reception will see the same movie, but in one of the reception classrooms, all other children will be in the main hall. The £3.50 ticket price includes popcorn. Please make sure you include the name ... Read more
Year 3 Assembly to Parents
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom2R Forest School
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom2R's Forest School sessions will start on Wednesday 26 February. Please remember to send your child in with suitable kit. Children must have warm waterproof coats and wellies/old trainers as forest school can get very muddy. Please refer to our Forest School page for the details: https://wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk/forest-school/ Sessions will take place on February 26th, ... Read more
World Book Day
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomThis year, our World Book Day theme is ‘Read Your Way’. To celebrate, we will be spending time in our classes exploring new books. In the afternoon, children will have the opportunity to share a book with a child from a different year group. Please could all children bring in a book to share. KS2 ... Read more
House Frisbee
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomChildren to come to school in their PE kit. We advise them to bring in spare clothes to change into after, in case of bad weather.
Cuppa and Connect
Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United KingdomDear Parents, I am delighted to announce that our next Cuppa and Connect session will be delivered by Sam Stocken, an Educational Consultant who specialises in behaviour as communication. Sam is leading a bespoke session on supporting your child outside of school. Please see a short introductory video from Sam and, if you think this ... Read more