Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Viking Times in Year 5

On Wednesday 19th October Year 5 went a trip to Bishopswood, to enhance their learning about the Vikings. During their visit they re-enacted the Viking’s journey across the northern seas in a full size willow Viking long ship. After arriving at the Saxon Hall, the children learnt skills such as brooch making, spinning wool and clay pot making. Inside the Hall they will got a sense of what life was like at that time and discovered the importance of fire. The children also made overnight shelters using natural materials. We all had such an active and fun filled day bringing the Viking times to life.


It was so great to be able to perform our assembly to parents – the first assembly the children have done for a few years. On the theme of the Vikings (this term’s history unit), the children learnt their lines fantastically, projected their voices and sang with gusto, pretending to row their Viking boats. A huge well done to everyone.