Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Post-Christmas Recycling

Warden Hill Eco Warriors have been concerned about the amount of waste created after the Christmas holiday, so they have researched some ways to recycle seasonal items. Here are their suggestions.


Christmas tree drop off points
Cheltenham Borough Council, want to make sure all Christmas trees are composted locally, so take your Christmas tree to one of the following drop off points:

  • Swindon Road Recycling Centre – anytime during opening hours
  • From 2 to 15 January 2024, locations around Cheltenham where trees will be collected and recycled:
  • Cheltenham Racecourse – New Barn Lane, Cheltenham, GL52 3LT
  • Cheltenham Town Football Club – Whaddon Road, Cheltenham, GL52 5NA
  • Old Patesians RFC – Everest Road, Cheltenham, GL53 9LG
  • Cheltenham B&Q – Golden valley retail park, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 6TA

Christmas tree kerbside recycling

Garden waste customers
If you are a garden waste customer, you can recycle your real Christmas tree at the kerbside once collections resume from Monday 15 January 2024.
Simply place your real Christmas tree next to your brown garden waste bin at the kerbside on your normal collection day and the crews will be able to take it away to be recycled.

Non-garden waste customers
If you are not a garden waste customer, you can dispose of your real Christmas tree at the kerbside from Monday 15 January 2024.

Please check to see when garden waste is collected on your road and place your real Christmas tree out on the kerbside on the day that there is a garden waste collection.

Broken or unwanted Christmas lights can be placed in a tied carrier bag and then put one of your recycling boxes for collection. You can also take Christmas lights to the Swindon Road recycling centre.

Please bring your Christmas cards to the office where they will be collected and taken to Cobalt https://www.cobalthealth.co.uk/support-us/supporter-events/

Wrapping paper, which does not contain foil, can be put into your kerbside recycling boxes for recycling. However, wrapping paper made from foil cannot be placed in to the kerbside recycling box as unfortunately they cannot be recycled.

Tip: If your wrapping paper can be scrunched and stays scrunched up it does not contain foil, foil wrapping paper springs back when scrunched.

Cardboard gift boxes and packaging should be flattened and placed in your blue cardboard bag.

Greene King is running ‘Tub2Pub’, a recycling campaign to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support and recycle plastics. Make sure your tubs don’t go to waste and bring your clean, empty plastic confectionery and cracker tubs to any Greene King managed site from 1 January – 11 February 2024 to be recycled. Our nearest Greene King pubs are The Norwood and The Lansdown.

Please take any toys or books you no longer need to a local charity shop, so they can be reused.