Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

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PTA Summer Festival

22 June 2024 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

The Festival will run from 11am – 2pm and is open to the wider community

Entrance costs £1 and under 2s are free.  You can use tokens, cash or card on the entrance

We are predominantly a cashless festival.  Only tokens can be used on our stalls, but you will still be able to use card, or cash on the BAR, entrance, raffle stall and when buying tokens or inflatable wristbands on the day.  If you do bring cash then please make sure you have change.  All external stalls and food vendors will only accept cards or in some cases cash.  Below there is also a list of the PTA run stalls and how many tokens each one costs

Here is a map of the festival so you can find your way around.  Please take a moment to look at this as it will also show you where the toilets are, our first aid point (there will be multiple First Aid trained volunteers around – just look for the people wearing the green bum bags), lost child meeting point as well as a second exit that will only be used in case of emergency.  If there is an emergency the school fire alarm will sound

Don’t forget to bring a picnic blanket or fold up chair to take the weight off and enjoy some of our entertainment and food from our delicious food vendors: The Black Sheep Grill and The Catchy Fish.

Entertainment Line Up:

11.15-12.00 – Live Music

12.00-12.30 – Coady Dance Studios

12.30-13.00 – Live Music

13.00-13.15 – Feet First Dance Group

13.15-13.30 – Live Music

13.30 – close – Live Raffle Draw

Ice Cream Friday vouchers cannot be used to buy Ice Cream at the Festival, only PTA Tokens

Please note that infant climbing frame is out of bounds due to safety reasons. If your children use the Junior play equipment then they must be supervised, and use is at your own risk, we accept no responsibility for any accidents or injuries

There is strictly No Parking on the school grounds or on Durham Close, unless you have a valid blue badge, are a stall holder or volunteer, or drive a big red fire engine!  This is to ensure the safety of everyone at the festival and also maintain access for the residents of Durham Close.  Also the fire engine may need to leave at a moment’s notice so we must ensure clear access

Please respect our neighbours when entering and leaving school

Don’t forget your inflatable wristbands and tokens, and have an amazing time!!


22 June 2024
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
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Warden Hill Primary School
Durham Close
Cheltenham, GL51 3DF United Kingdom
+ Google Map