Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Year 3: Cheltenham Science Festival: The Arcade

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

The Arcade The game is on – get set for an awesome adventure in The Arcade and put your skills to the test in a series of fun, creative and cryptic challenges. can you make, break and create? Can you spot things others miss? Chat to our cyber experts and learn what amazing things you ... Read more

Y3 Trip to Clearwell Caves

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Y3 Trip to Clearwell Caves - Letter to Parents

KS2 Carol Concert

Cheltenham College Bath Road, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Year 3 Party

Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

On the day of their Christmas Party children can come to school in their party clothes, change of shoes is advisable for the outside.


Warden Hill Primary School Durham Close, Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Our annual sports week will take place in the week beginning 22nd May 2023. During this week, all children should come to school in PE kit, but in school shoes. Trainers should be brought to school in a bag. Children will be taking part in sports events across the week including rounders, frisbee and athletics.   ... Read more