Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Rain Garden Competition

Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust are working with The Co-op in Salisbury Avenue to make a rain garden.

Rain Gardens are designed to capture rain water flowing off roofs and slow the flow of the water back into drains and eventually watercourses. They can help to reduce flooding by storing rain water and reduce pollution by filtering water, whilst also allowing you to create a wildlife friendly feature for your garden that may need less maintenance and watering. You can find o more information about this scheme on their website: 

The Eco Warriors invite all children to take part in an exciting competition, by decorating letters for the Rain Garden sign.

Get creative and show your artistic flair by creating designs based upon water, nature, rivers, sea, aquatic life or urban wildlife. The designs need to be coloured with either pencil crayons or felt tips.

The final date for entries is Friday 8th November.

Please ensure you write your name and class on your entry and give your entry to your teacher.

The winning entries will be given to Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust to be incorporated in their signs, which will be installed outside The Co-op.

We can’t wait to see your designs!

Good luck

The Eco Warriors