Warden Hill Primary School Cheltenham

Year 6 PGL 2024

COUNTDOWN 00Days 00Hours MONDAY 8 JULY Year 6 children can arrive from 8.15am on Monday 8th July via the main entrance to drop off: suitcase named wallet with a maximum

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Year 6 Performance

Performance nights:Cast 1: Monday 1 JulyCast 2: Tuesday 2 July Year 6 Performance – Letter to Parents ParentPay https://youtu.be/UbZQ7NJz6mQhttps://youtu.be/qGM7NaJRNFo

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Science Festival

Wow – what an amazing time we all had at the Cheltenham Science Festival! First, our children had the opportunity to spend time with inspirational scientists, authors and even an

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Year 1 Visit to Copsegrove Farm

Our visit to Copsegrove Farm was a fantastic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-themed adventure filled with fun and creativity. The children started the day by proudly carrying their group flags

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Parent Governor Vacancy

We have one vacancy for parent governor which we need to fill as soon as possible. If you are interested in becoming a governor, contact the school office with your

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Great teamwork

Warden Hill Primary won 3rd place school in the South West Schools Association race this weekend. Competing were Poppy, Thomas, Josie and Joseph.Amazing teamwork all! On individual front: Poppy got

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10 out of 10!

Warden Hill once again took a team of 4 to participate in the annual Rotary Club general knowledge quiz, competing against schools from across Cheltenham. The team, consisting of Sammy,

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Year 6 Fieldwork

On Wednesday, our year 6 children went on their fieldwork study to Crickley Hill. The children first walked over from Leckhampton Hill and used their maps to track the route

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Chilling Adventures

Year 1 Explores Edward Wilson’s Antarctica Expedition at the Wilson Museum On Tuesday, the 19th of March, Year 1 embarked on an exciting adventure to the Wilson Museum, delving into

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Reception children have been focusing on ‘I wonder how living things grow’ theme in the Spring Term. Earlier this week they have welcomed ten egg-shaped visitors from The Living Eggs

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Red Nose Day

Thank you to all who contributed to our online collection. So far we have raised £620. If you didn’t get a chance yet, but would like to contribute, our fundraising

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Look Who’s Talking

On Wednesday 6th March, we went to the Cheltenham Ladies’ College for the next round of the Look Who’s Talking competition. We took Joseph, Noora and Rafa, our three winners

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Wheels at the ready!

In our eco meetings we have been discussing why it is important to be active on our journey to school. Eco have been learning that by

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